Wiki 24
This article's subject relates to Season 4 of 24.

Officer Pantell was an officer of the California Highway Patrol during Day 4.

Day 4[]

Seeing that a group of motorists were having a heated argument, Officer Pantell stopped to size up the situation. Kalil Hasan told him that Jim, Dan, and a third man were just upset about the morning's terrorist events and that there was no problem. Pantell's partner, Officer Goodwin, was about to approach the vehicles to arrest Hasan for stealing the truck he was driving, when he got a call from dispatch rescinding the theft report. Officers Pantell and Goodwin left Hasan to go on his way, and remained with the three thugs at the intersection. Goodwin's behavior tipped off Kalil that someone was intentionally clearing a path for him, however, and he soon martyred himself to protect the terrorist plan.

Background information and notes[]

  • "Pantell" is visible on his name tag; Kent Faulcon's character was not addressed or credited as such.

Live appearances[]
