Wiki 24
This article's subject relates to the 24 expanded universe.

Major James Sealander was a Firethorn mercenary working for Maxwell Newbold. He was also second-in-command for his team.

Sealander was one of the mercenaries in the Firethorn convoy who guarded the nuclear missiles they stole from the Barataria. After the team took the missiles to one of their compounds, Sealander informed Newbold that the chopper they were supposed to transport the missiles in was too damaged for repairs. Seeing no other option, Newbold told Sealander to set explosives on the downed chopper, and he proceeded to tell the mercenaries to regroup at a safe house in Berbera. Later, Sealander defended the convoy when Bashir Ćawil Hanad and his soldiers tried to steal the missiles. After Jack Bauer and Abigail Harper stole the missiles from the mercenaries, Sealander and the others followed the duo to Sullah's garage, where they waited for warlord Osan Hadid Kamal to smoke the two out of hiding. When the plan failed, Newbold order Sealander and the rest of the mercenaries to storm the garage and take back the missiles. During the assault, Burnett's SEAL team showed up in a Black Hawk helicopter, and Sealander, along with what was left of Newbold's team, were all gunned down by Yant. (Rogue)

Live appearances[]
