Wiki 24


I just re-watched Season 4, and I didn't pay real close attention to him but Danny appeared as a background character in almost every episode. One of the frustrating things about Season 4 was that it seemed like I saw lots of characters similar to Danny, background characters that rarely if ever did anything interesting or significant but that had one or two lines. Lots of nameless characters like that, too. At least Danny had a name and an easily recognizable face, I guess.

So I guess my point for Danny is, I don't want to go back and re-watch Season 4 all over again just yet, but if somebody else does, then he/she could keep an eye out for Danny and update his appearances, because he definitely appears in many more than the seven episodes of Season 4 that we currently have him down for. I know the preceding was a ridiculous run-on sentence, and it ended in a preposition to boot; however, it's a Friday evening and I'm too tired to care.--Sampson789 (talk) 01:47, September 20, 2014 (UTC)

Yeah, I wouldn't know where to begin but he's in the premiere episode and a few other key episodes but I don't recall seeing him at all in the final episodes of S4 though.--Gunman6 (talk) 06:25, September 20, 2014 (UTC)

I think he's not often in focus towards the end of the season, but he's wearing a dark blue sweater and he's always walking around the bullpen in the background.--Sampson789 (talk) 07:40, September 20, 2014 (UTC)
