Wiki 24
This article's subject relates to Season 1 of 24.This article's subject relates to the 24 expanded universe.

Waco was an American city in the state of Texas.

The Branch Davidians were a group based out of a compound in Waco, which was infamously raided by the FBI in an ill-fated siege. Using CS gas grenades, the FBI's attack resulted in the deaths of eighty people within the compound, including twelve children whom the FBI had been trying to rescue. According to a classified report, the highly flammable CS gas had contributed to a fire that swept through the compound during the attack. (Operation Hell Gate)

Jack Bauer referenced the Waco siege while preparing to rescue his family from Ira Gaines' compound, telling Nina Myers that he didn't want to risk bringing in the authorities and causing a similar situation. ("Day 1: 11:00am-12:00pm")

Background information and notes[]

  • The events at Waco were later cited by Timothy McVeigh as his motivation for bombing a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995, timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Waco fire on April 19. Oklahoma City was the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil until 9/11, and as of 2018, remains the deadliest incident of domestic terrorism in U.S. history.

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